Juniper Green 236ml
Juniper Green 236ml
Lunar Tides Deep Velvet Collection feature dark and luscious velvet tones that are highly pigmented to last longer and create richer tones on hair pre-lightened to an optimum level. Juniper Green is a one-of-a-kind dark green hair dye with black undertones.
Wanting a smaller size? Check out Lunar Tides Juniper Green 118ml
- Contains 236ml
- Semi-Permanent hair colour
- PPD and ammonia free
- Vegan and cruelty-free
Colours displayed are an indication only, it is important to research colours before selecting. Due to a large number of factors that can affect the final outcome, dye results cannot be guaranteed. Always perform a strand test before proceeding. For more information on how to use this product please click here.
I have used almost all green semi-perm dyes on the market, and this one has the most beautiful deep green colour without leaning towards teal (like MP enchanted forest). The colour has also not bled onto my clothing or bedding. It did wash out significantly on the first wash, so it will be interesting to see how it lasts over the next month (I only wash my hair once a week).
I'm excited that my favourite colour comes in a large size now! I've been using Juniper Green for the last few years to replace Directions' Alpine Green which fades too teal for my liking and these larger bottles will take up less space in my dye cabinet compared to the tubs which is awesome!