Juniper Green 118ml
Juniper Green 118ml
Lunar Tides Deep Velvet Collection feature dark and luscious velvet tones that are highly pigmented to last longer and create richer tones on hair pre-lightened to an optimum level. Juniper Green is a one-of-a-kind dark green hair dye with black undertones.
Wanting a larger size? Check out Lunar Tides Juniper Green 236ml
- Contains 118 ml
- Semi-Permanent hair colour
- PPD and ammonia free
- Vegan and cruelty-free
Colours displayed are an indication only, it is important to research colours before selecting. Due to a large number of factors that can affect the final outcome, dye results cannot be guaranteed. Always perform a strand test before proceeding. For more information on how to use this product please click here.
Purchased lunar tides juniper hair colour, started off with dark brown box colour, used myhd hair colour remover, this took it to a copper colour, then used 10 vol bleach brush it onto a comb and brushed it mid to the ends and this dye gave me a nice dark result with lighter green highlights ,I use cold water when I wash it and the colour seems to last , have stocked up on this product. Saw the user shego use this on TikTok and now I’m a huge fan
Colour is vibrant, and doesn't stain the skin. Always get great coverage :)
Really great colour
I haven't coloured my hair in years, but finally decided to take the leap again and go green - I am so glad I chose Lunar Tides! I blended Magic Oracle from the roots into Juniper Green towards the ends, and I've had so many compliments already - I'm in love! <3
Been really into dying my hair random colours lately. Loved this shade of green. I have naturally black hair so it was a nice subtle change as the green was quite dark. Fast forward a few weeks and the green gets more and more pastel like which I also love!