Wrath 236ml
Wrath 236ml
Wrath is a deep red with berry undertones which can become pinker as it fades. It shows up well on brassy tones and gives dark, dimensional tints to darker hair. This shade turns out best on hair pre-lightened to a level 7.
#AFProTip: Try mixing Wrath with a drop of Transylvania to create a deep crimson red!
- Contains 236 ml
- Semi-Permanent hair colour
- Best results with pre-lightened hair
- PPD and ammonia free
- Vegan and cruelty-free
Colours displayed are an indication only, it is important to research colours before selecting. Due to a large number of factors that can affect the final outcome, dye results cannot be guaranteed. Always perform a strand test before proceeding. For more information on how to use this product please click here.
Very fast delivery great colour
Okay hear me out, I have level 10 bleached platinum hair, I expected this dye to give me a deep ruby red but instead I got actual hot pink. I look like Avril Lavigne, I hate it. I am going to give it a few washes then try mixing Wrath with Poison 1:1 to see if that gives me the colour I was after. I'm sure it looks better on darker hair by itself but if you are platinum beware!
I have brought this colour twice in the big size because I love it so much, when it’s pigmented it’s beautiful. But it does fade out like any colour in like 9 weeks sort of but only at the ends and your roots will stay for ages. Delivery was super fast!
I love arctic fox so much! Favourite hair dye for bright colours, and delivery was very fast
Wrath 236ml