Virgin Pink 236ml
Virgin Pink 236ml
Virgin Pink is a vibrant hot pink that will give a deep magenta tint to light brown hair, and will turn out most vibrantly on pre-lightened hair - no need to fear brassy tones with this shade. Try mixing with some Violet Dream for a darker magenta!
#AFProTip: Want a lighter pastel pink hue? Start off with an Arctic Mist Diluter base, add drops of Virgin Pink until you've mixed the hue you want!
- Contains 236 ml
- Semi-Permanent hair colour
- Best results with pre-lightened hair
- PPD and ammonia free
- Vegan and cruelty-free
Colours displayed are an indication only, it is important to research colours before selecting. Due to a large number of factors that can affect the final outcome, dye results cannot be guaranteed. Always perform a strand test before proceeding. For more information on how to use this product please click here.
Virgin Pink 236ml
I love this colour. Its so bright and it last a long time. Fast shipping aswell. Wouldnt go anywhere else 🥰
Virgin Pink 236ml
Exactly like the photo, for better or worse. I purchased because I thought it would just be a slightly darker version of "Frose" but oooohhh boy was I wrong. Its.........a look....a statement for sure. If youre wanting the PINKEST PINK, heres your hair dye lolllllll
Virgin Pink 236ml