Iris Green 118ml
Iris Green 118ml
Iris Green is a medium grassy green shade which turns out best on hair that is pre-lightened to a level 8 or lighter.
#AFProTip: Looking for more of a bright, lime shade? Mix a drop of Iris Green into Neon Moon to make a fluorescent neon green!
- Contains 118 ml
- Semi-Permanent hair colour
- Best results with pre-lightened hair
- PPD and ammonia free
- Vegan and cruelty-free
Colours displayed are an indication only, it is important to research colours before selecting. Due to a large number of factors that can affect the final outcome, dye results cannot be guaranteed. Always perform a strand test before proceeding. For more information on how to use this product please click here.
Its good did fade pretty fast but still got more to top up the color
Iris Green didn't really work out for me. I used it to cover greys, but I think Phantom Green did better at it. I reckon it'd go better on bleached hair.
Fast shipment and great colour! I’ve used the Iris Green so far - recommend doubling or even tripling the 15min sitting time to get the most out of the dye.
Another great buy love the colour